The Concept of Good (Al Khair), Kindness (Al Ihsan), Justice (Al ‘Adl) in the Holy Qur’an And it’s Relationship to the Preservation of Environment


Title of the book: The Concept of Good (Al Khair), Kindness (Al Ihsan), Justice (Al ‘Adl) in the Holy Qur’an And it’s Relationship to the Preservation of Environment

Author: Prof.Dr.Hajredin Hoxha

Why this Study……………………………………………………………..………….….4
Part One: The Concept of (Good- Al Khair )………………………..…..10
Firstly: Its Virtues……………………………………………………………………..10
Secondly: The notion of ( Good deeds- Al Salihat) and its
Thirdly: The relation of (Al Khair-Good) and ( Good deeds-Al
Salihat) to the preservation of environment…………………….………..15
Part Two: ( Kindness-Al Ihsan ); Its virtues, its reward and
relation to the preservation of environment.…………………………17
Firstly: its virtues………………………………………………………………………17
Secondly:The reward of ( Kindness- Al Ihsan ) and its significance……22
Part Three: ( Justice- Al Adl ), its virtues, its reward and
relation to the preservation of environment……..………………….26
Firstly: Its virtues and rewards …………………………………………………26
Secondly: Its relation to the preservation of environment………….32